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Sunday, January 29, 2023

So a bit from the past that I wrote in 2006



Friday, November 10, 2006

What makes us who we are?

Have you ever thought about what it is that makes us who we are? I mean really what is IT? You see people born into the same family that turn out so different. Why?
Is it Nature or Nuture? Is it the genes, DNA, that we inherit or the influence of how you are raised, combined with exposure to outside factors that mold us? I guess I tend to think it is a mix of both, but then I like to throw in the free choice that we have going for us. And what about predestination, I still believe that we chose the paths that we follow. I think that explains why some of us have such hard lives and some have easy times. There is Karma thrown in there. So this is a long explaination for why I am going to post this thing that I wrote over a year ago and had posted on my old blog site. I liked it then and still like it. I would love to see other think of what it is that makes them who they are and write something similar. Thanks for listening....

I am me.

I am the little girl collecting McCall paper dolls.

I am the tears cried as mom read Lassie and Big Red to us by kerosene lamp.

I am the kid who caught grasshoppers to feed to the chickens.

I am a country girl first and always.

I am the 16 year old who ran crying in the rain when my first love moved away.

I am the 12 year old who got an ear jerked as punishment by a father who never once spanked me.

I am an old farm house made of brick with huge pine trees in the yard and a big apricot tree.

I am the girl who's best friend was a little brother.

I am home canned green beans.

I am the teenager who locked herself in the bathroom so Mom couldn't hit me with the yard stick.

I am the smell and taste of moms raised doughnuts rolled in sugar.

I am the high school drop out.

I am the 17 year old being married far to soon.

I am the nursing student who worked every weekend for gas money to get to class.

I am the nursing grad who was 2nd in her class at age 27.

I am the first baby I delivered with my own hands.

I am bleach blond hair.

I am the mother of 2 babies of my own.

I am the child who played in the pond and haymow for fun.

I am the smell of cows breath, while sitting in the hay bunk while they ate.

I am the woman who's heart has been broken, to be mended again and again.

I am music that makes me feel melancholy.

I am books that make me think of all the possibilities.

I am the keeper of the secrets.

I am a grandmother.

I am the seeker of spiritual truth.

I am a blogger.

I am me.

Who are you?


New Year this and that

 January 2023 is almost gone.  Remember when 2000 was rolling toward us and everyone was in a panic about how would our computers manage and we might all crash and burn.  If I remember right it was barely a blip.  Wow 23 years ago.  We were living in Dayton Nv. I believe or just down the highway west in Carson City Nv.   I was working at Northern Nv Corrections as a "yard nurse"  Which meant I made rounds to see inmates that had put in "kites" to complain about something medical. I like to shock people and tell them I got out of prison in 2005 and they threw me a going away party.  That raises a few eye brows for a minute.  

Well last year in Feb my hubby had a bad TIA and was in hosp a few days.  He begged me that if it happened again to keep him at home.  Dr. agreed there wasn't much they would do for him but monitor him and of course run a bunch of tests.  If he has a stroke they still can't do anything as he is already on blood thinner and would not be a candidate for the clot buster drug.  Besides he will be 91 in March.  Some days he says he just wants out of this world.  I think it is harder for men to deal with declining health, than women.  last week he had another "spell"  Got shaky then later got real weak,  fell trying to get ready for bed and I had to get neighbor to come over and help get him onto the bed.  In the middle of the night he was still to weak to raise up, but by morning could get up and to bathroom.  He slept off and on all that day and then seemed to recover and by second day was pretty much back to normal,  walked out to mail box fine.  So we just take things one day at a time and deal with what ever happens.  

The week before all this happened I had a meniscus repair in my left knee.  A good friend took me for the surg and stayed with me.  What would we do without friends?  I have done very well and hope I am fixed up for a long time now.  Went into my weaving studio  yesterday and piddled around. 

So next time I want to talk about "Stuff"  Why we collect it, and what do we do about it.