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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So you think you can drive?

We saw hubby's internist Tue.  I came armed with a list of things to be sure to ask.  One of them came from my husband.  He said "can I drive?"  Dr. answer was " I don't know, I have never seen you drive"  I wondered how many times he has used that line.  Anyway the answers were all good.  Yes he may drive, yes they would be re scanning him for clots.  He is scheduled for the end of Mar. (3 months after the embolism) for a Doppler study of the leg veins.  He feels sure that the clots originated in that area.  He had one Doppler study done while he was in the hospital so they can compare.  He thinks that if all is good he will be able to come off the coumadin at that time. So hubby drove the 25 miles home from our visit.

We were at the orthopedic this morning and he is so pleased with the progress and the knee looks good.   Sed rate is dropping ( normal is 15 and we was over 70 at one point)  It is 32 now. This test indicated inflammation or infection. They are sure there is no infection in the knee but the elevation is due to the assult that his lung took. So plan one more recheck in a month and just get on with life. 

What a difference a month can make as he was still in ICU a month ago.  We are most thankful that things have turned out as they have.  He is one lucky duck!

I see a specialist about the lypoma (egg size fatty tumor)  in my arm next week. (170 miles from home)  Haven't said much about it as it has seemed minor compared to other problems. The reason I see the specialist is that it is located deep under my deltoid muscle and is the source of the pain I have had in that arm.  I kept telling the Dr. that it was in my arm just below my shoulder.  I do have a minor rotator cuff tear that he thinks I can heal with physical therapy, but have not wanted to start that till I have this other "thing" taken care of.  So there is our health updates.  Hope I can get back to writing silly stuff soon.  This is getting to be a bore! 


Coffeypot said...

Not a bore, but very good news. Good to hear. If the doctor went after fatty tissue in me, I wouldn't weigh 50 lbs and could wear a size 10 belt. Put an enema on top of that and I might disappear.

MadCityMike said...

All good news is right. Glad to hear it and hope the good news continues!

Unknown said...

yaa driving a task we can be make interesting, its depend on human think. Nice article Thanks to share.
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