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Saturday, August 28, 2021

There is only Now

There is only Now

 Well about every 2 years I decide I will get back to blogging again.  Well this time I think I really mean it.  I like to journal and I have not done much of that lately.  I have done some ancestry investigation and that is fun but can be very time consuming.  A lot has changed in my life as it has in everyone's the past couple years.  Number 1 being the pandemic Covid.  Wow!  So much sickness and death, also so much misinformation and mistrust of the health system and government. So much of the country was shut down for months, that we are still feeling the effects.  Vaccine is available but many won't take it.  For us personally I have always hated putting any drug or inoculation in my body.  I had to take the regular flu shot for years as it was mandatory in the medical settings where I worked.  Once I retired I stopped till the last couple years.   I am 74 now and hubby is 89  and we agreed that we could not wait out this thing. We did take the vaccine when it was available to us.  We have tried to be careful, doing the distancing thing, and hand washing.  We only go into stores early in mornings when less crowded.  But we have not stopped living.  We actually travel more now than before.  In Dec last year 2020 we rented a vacation house on the gulf of Texas for 3 weeks, and fell in love with it.  So we went back in Dec to look at houses and made an offer on one. It is in a small shrimping town of less than 5,000 population.  We took possession in March and went down to spend over 2 months.  It is so freeing to be there and no commitments to anyone but just us. Hubby would like to move but we agree that at his age it just doesn't seem practical to give up our home and do this permanent.  It is a bit less than 700 miles down there so we decided we would just play each trip down by ear and stay a few weeks then come back "Up Home" for 2 or 3 weeks then go back "Down Home".  We will see how long it lasts. With me being the one to do all the driving and most of the decision making is new to me so we are just living one day at a time.

I read somewhere that Yesterday is a memory, Tomorrow is a dream, There is only Now!  That is pretty deep if you really think about it.  When I see a really pretty sunset or experience something new I like to say in my head "there is only now"


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