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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

May I brag just a wee bit?

The name is smudged to protect the innocent. I received this little award yesterday from work. Was a nice honor. The boss who presented it must have been watching to many infomercials, because he said I was one employee that could be "set it and forget it" Not sure but think he ment it as a compliment. Actually the joke is on him as he hardly knows what I do. But as you can see from my last post I am not sure I should have gotten this, maybe is is my going away present.
Oh, and to top it off, I took today off as a sick day, ohhh, bad girl.


FC said...

This 'bad girl' business must run in the family.. Congrats!

Meg said...

Congrats!!! Just wanted to let you know, I'm trying to catch up on blogs and my family. love!!