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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Love your pet If you have time go to this site and listen to Jimmy Stewart read his poem about his dog named Bo. Just click on the site listed and it will take you there.

I mention this today as it was sent to me yesterday and just by chance we had an incident that made this very appropriate.

Hubby had to take his sister and her little dog to the vet yesterday late, it was the 3rd trip this past week. End result was that he had to be put to sleep. This is her second dog to lose this year. The sister dog died in July. And of course a year ago we had our dog put to sleep so we are a dogless home now. No more dogs for us. It is too hard to lose them.

So I hope you will watch this little video and if you have a pet, give them an extra ration of love and that "pat on the head" while they are still there.

Thought for the day: Sometimes we find answers when we didn't even know we were looking.

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