"You 'BECOME' the horse said to the rabbit. 'It doesn't happen all at once. It takes a very long time. Generally by the time you are REAL most of your hair has been loved off and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter, because you are real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.' " >>> The Velvateen Rabbit
Aunt D Thank you so much. The tears popped up before I even had time to think. Life was good we didn't have a lot but nobody else did either. Things were easier then of course I was a child and didn't know what hard meant.But still It was a happier time. I needed to start off soft and gentle Because as you know it was a bumpy ride later on. I wanted to remember the good times.Thanks for sharing with me. I love you.
That is just BEAUTIFUL!!!
Aunt D Thank you so much. The tears popped up before I even had time to think. Life was good we didn't have a lot but nobody else did either. Things were easier then of course I was a child and didn't know what hard meant.But still It was a happier time. I needed to start off soft and gentle Because as you know it was a bumpy ride later on. I wanted to remember the good times.Thanks for sharing with me. I love you.
Ahhhh nice to have nice times to remember.....but what the heck is all that white stuff???
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