I saw my first hedge apple on the road near my home this morning. There is a stretch of road that the trees over hang the road and meet in the middle. Sort of like driving under a canopy. But always hope that the big green hedge apples do not fall when you drive by. Also the walnuts fall pretty thick thru there, so that means the red squirrels are busy.
I like to go out early in the morning and just survey the kingdom. I saw the cutest thing yesterday morning. There was a fairly heavy fog in the valley and heavy dew on everything. This pretty little goldfinch was sipping dew off of the curved leaves of the little peach tree. He was standing on the top branch and he would reach down and scoop up the dew from each leaf around him.
Wish I could remember when you are supposed to stop feeding the humming birds. Anyone know? I know you need to stop or they will stay here to long and then not make it all the way to So. America or where ever it is they go. Someone told me recently that humming birds hitch rides on the geese that go south. I had never heard that and am not sure whether or not to believe it or not. Miss gullable here!!
Has anyone had to run the restore on their computer? Having trouble with my computer, Think I got a virus hit while I was blog surfing a couple weeks ago, Had someone help walk me thru installing an anti spy program and seemed to stop alot of the immediate problems, but still can't post pictures to my blog and can't get my desktop to put picture back up. I am trying to backup all my info onto discs, but having trouble figuring out how to download all the e-mail files I have created. Hate to take the chance of just loosing everything.
Had a wonderful surprise yesterday. My door opened with the little bell ringing to announce a customer. Standing there was a very good friend of mine from Nv. Actually she has been living in Arizona then Ca. the last 15 years, so I have only seen her on short visits when she would come to Nv. to see her son. She had been my boss at one time and my college instructor later on. What a treat!! They had been in Ia. for her husb. class reunion and are retired and traveling so planned this little town in their route.
Tomorrow I am closing the store for a day. Going to take the show on the road. There is a fall festival at a near by little town. So am setting up a booth and hand out coupons and info on the store. I might sell a few books but main goal is just to put my face and name out there so folks will know I am here. Well got to go work on my poster and start boxing up the books I want to take with me. Have a good weekend everyone!!