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Friday, March 16, 2007

Flossy about 9 mo old now

As promised here is an updated pic of Flossy and her Mommy, Jenny. I don't think I mentioned that when we had Jenny looked at by the ferrier in Jan when her feet got so sore from the ice that he looked her over and checked her teeth and told us he thought she was more like 20 to 25 years old, not the 15 that we were told when we bought her. So she is pretty old to still be having a baby, no wonder her back is so swayed. But she is so gentle and sweet. So is Milly her "12" year old daughter. hmmmm, wonder how old she really is?

Now Flossy is a little stinker and I hate to admit that I have not worked with her much. I have insisted that she wear a halter and I take ahold of it when I am out there and work with leading her. Mostly we have them to keep the grass down in the lot next to the house that is about an acre, saves us mowing it. But on impulse we bought this big horse at the same time and he eats all the time so we had to open a strip of the pasture up for them to graze. Still thinking about selling him. But he is such a sweety. Did anyone play the video I loaded here? Scroll down a way and see it.

Work on the house is progressing. I, {did you get that I?} drained the water heater this morning. The contractor guy is starting on the floor tile now. Going to pull the potty and try to get that corner all done today, I said I can do without hot water for a day or so but not the potty! Plan to get the bedroom painted this weekend, Carpet will be in by Wed. So that is coming together. Have the trim and new door in the garage, so need to prime and paint them.

Have a great weekend. I plan to. Taking one day off to go to Ar. and make rounds to see family.

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