"You 'BECOME' the horse said to the rabbit. 'It doesn't happen all at once. It takes a very long time. Generally by the time you are REAL most of your hair has been loved off and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter, because you are real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.' " >>> The Velvateen Rabbit
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Friday, July 01, 2005
My hummingbird moth
Isn't he beautiful. Finally caught one asleep on the side of the garage under the security light. They are to fast to catch a very good look at them at the flowers. I am sure some will think he is creepy, but I think it is a thing of beauty. dc
I wonder why they call him the hummingbird moth? I think he's pretty cool. I woke up to humming birds all over today. We finally had a nice rain last night it's got all the critter frisky today. ^We had 6 hummingbirds around the feeder and fighting for it they we very rambuncuios.It' was really nice. Hope you have a good weekend.
1 comment:
I wonder why they call him the hummingbird moth? I think he's pretty cool.
I woke up to humming birds all over today. We finally had a nice rain last night it's got all the critter frisky today. ^We had 6 hummingbirds around the feeder and fighting for it they we very rambuncuios.It' was really nice. Hope you have a good weekend.
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