"You 'BECOME' the horse said to the rabbit. 'It doesn't happen all at once. It takes a very long time. Generally by the time you are REAL most of your hair has been loved off and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter, because you are real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.' " >>> The Velvateen Rabbit
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Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Dorky Tue.
1963 The year of the wig hats. We loved these silly "hats" That could be combed and sprayed to stay in different styled. Does anyone remember these at all? Don't know what happened to it. Probably the cat had kittens in it, who knows.
Cindy, Hey, I sent those to you to post for your Dorky-ness. Come on don't be a chicken. If you don't I will post the one of you with your Red and white poncho and curly hair.
Obviously few appreciate the beauty of a wig hat. Was quite the fad back then. Just made of a synthetic fiber sort of like a fake fur spread. You could brush it in different styles. Dang, sorry I lost it. Could bring it back in fashion, well maybe NOT>
Are we starting a new trend?? Dorky Tuesdays?? I am dorky 24/7! and by the way.. thanks for not posting the other dorky pic you sent me!! whew!
Cindy, Hey, I sent those to you to post for your Dorky-ness. Come on don't be a chicken. If you don't I will post the one of you with your Red and white poncho and curly hair.
That's just not right!
I have never seen a pic like this before, the precursor to hair extensions and weaves...its fantastic!...and so is the photo!
Obviously few appreciate the beauty of a wig hat. Was quite the fad back then. Just made of a synthetic fiber sort of like a fake fur spread. You could brush it in different styles. Dang, sorry I lost it. Could bring it back in fashion, well maybe NOT>
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